It happens all too often. “..Cry me a river... A lot of people with disabilities have to put up with that shit all the time, every day, and tolerate all sorts of things, because they have to, to survive.” As a nurse, it amazes me to see that many people-- are quite ignorant and indifferent & unable and unwilling to discern a person’s level of ability. Some take-charge-of-the-situation-folks are assuming and condescending, struggling to maintain power because it eludes them in another area of their life. And well—we know what happens : ASS-U-ME. Enduring an episode of dehumanizing behavior, followed by a deluge of onlookers sympathetic looks & remarks---makes a person feel really small and helpless. I can only imagine the rage you felt when you struggled with the gate agent—a real physical & mental altercation. A similar situation happened to my daughter who is autistic. Loud unexpected noises, eye contact, bright lights, unintended physical contact (like a harried person bumping into her) have sent her over the edge-its over stimulation. She wants to lead a “normal” life without having a scarlet letter “D” for disability hindering the progress she has worked so hard to attain. I really applaud your bravado and thank you for sharing your true emotions.
Thanks for hosting a great contest as well. I would love to win a computer for myself as we have one old, rickety desktop for a family of 7. I am actively pursuing a Bachelors degree in Nursing @ Indiana State University (online), and a laptop would be more than ideal.
I would love to gift a computer to my daughter who is working diligently in establishing independent functionality as a young adult autistic. I would also love to gift a needy family through the
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